Thursday, December 31, 2009

What Is Kate From Kate's Playground's Real Name?

do you ask for 2010?

When there are barely four hours to finish the 2009 tod @ s brains are full of hopes and wishes for the new year ahead.
Many of these desires are personal (and non-transferable ...) who must stay within, either by superstition or privacy. But others are eager public, because we are collective desires or because we want to share with those around us.
With them and with the possibility that social networks give us the license I take all those calling for public wishes for 2010 tengais the counting you go ...

My desire is to have public health to continue enjoying your company (personal and virtual).

And you ... What you ask for 2010?

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 to all!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Past Corporate Bond Prices

Pep Guardiola. My Person of the Year 2009.

to be about 2009 and this does not stop succession of stories about the events that occurred more prominent and on the most important of the last 360 days.

Well, I decided to choose my person of the year 2009 and is none other than Pep Guardiola.

I do not have to explain what he has accomplished to deserve such a humble recognition but I'll leave with three elements that have made worthy Pep my words.

First, the phrase that addressed his players minutes before playing the Club World Cup final and will be eternal as eternal is the team that has guided the most successful football.

"If we lose we will remain the best. If we win we will be eternal."

Second, the video screened at the Rome Olympic locker room just before his players took the field to play the final of the Champions League win two hours after the Manchester United and has become one of the see videos of courses and lectures on motivation and leadership.

If you can not view the video click here .

Finally I'll leave the link to the interview that the public daily on his website has made a Juanma Lillo, a close friend of Pep, which discusses his friendship and professional and more aspects of the way work and being of Guardiola.

Interview: "The coach who became player"


PS: Even as the Madrid is impossible not to Pep, not only by the titles he has achieved but that it has transmitted values, which I personally have set a lot.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Can Stopping Smoking Cause Hallucinations


Friday, December 18, 2009

Vote Of Thanks In Wedding

If you can! A very special

Last Wednesday I had the opportunity to attend a conference on the International Chamber Jove (*) framed within the subject of Entrepreneurship courses offered by the URV in collaboration with Redessa.

During the conference in addition to teach the structure and operation of the association, explained some of the qualities that an entrepreneur must estimate or any person who pursues a goal or dream. Qualities such as motivation or ability to work in teams and communicate effectively.
In particular, the quality that has led me to write this post is motivation.
And is that through various videos we see examples of how motivation can achieve seemingly impossible goals.

The video you have chosen shows the involvement of Nick Vujicic, a young man without limbs in a U.S. school.
I do not want to put into words everything that seguro viendo vais feel and understand this video, just tell me that I was strong and that I am sure that every bone that it veais not leave you indifferent.

asi que os he left without further delay with the video:

(*) "The Junior Chamber is a non-governmental association in which young people around the world learn to take responsibility and develop skills by working on projects for our comunitat.Formant part of the World Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs with presence in over 115 countries. It seeks a directive formació treballant per la Comunidad. "

More about Jove Cambra in

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Flu Vaccine And Radiculopathy

Then I want to share a post I took from the web

The post contains a video showing a work of art created by the López family Caracuel. A family full of artists who have reflected a Bethlehem majestic one of the most emblematic places of the town where I was born to me and many who now live in Salou that town is none other than Carcabuey (Córdoba).
The book has much more value to those who know the people, and that plays exactly like reality, houses, streets, furniture ...
My sincere congratulations to the creators of this Wonder of the work and make us feel closer to Carcabuey to which we are away!

The original post:

has just been inaugurated the first Monumental Bethlehem this Christmas, is installed in Church Street, and is the result of the Lee Family Caracuel . So far, the simple outline of a Bethlehem Christmas opens in Carcabuey .

However, in this case, we can not simply be in the review, since this is a huge job, I would say also Chinese work, which this family has spent more than 8 months of the year, building a faithful reproduction, made from waste cardboard boxes, the entire neighborhood surrounding the parish, which focuses on assembly, and appears perfectly reproduced in all its details, like the streets Majadilla , San Felipe, Deck, Virgin Street, Castle, the Castle and the Plaza of Spain where you can recognize home home in every detail.

curious fact that they have performed more than 13,000 tiles small brown cardboard, made one by one, rizándolas with a pencil, to cover all the rooftops of the neighborhood.

I recommend you visit it, is a magnificent work carried out with the family for almost a year, which surprised everyone, is a true past, do not miss it.


Familia Belén López Caracuel - Carcabuey 2009
on Vimeo . Post:
A special Bethlehem.