Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dehydration Gums Receding

Terry Gilliam Conference

With a half hour late and about 1:30 pm, Terry Gilliam made his appearance in the Teatro José Ruben Romero, accompanied by the Festival Director Daniela Michel. It was a funny dance from the beginning the director won the sympathy of the audience, who applause and smiles give him welcome. On September 1

only two chairs decorated with ancient style and scenery FICM feature, the acclaimed British-American director spoke to the press and fans for about an hour, about his beginnings in film, his future plans, his opinion of film festivals and films in general.

were so many questions about his future project, " The Man Who Killed Don Quixote", and whether it will shoot in Mexico that Terry just said "Who knows about future?". Then the guest of honor proceeded to speak of his eleven films to be displayed, both in Cinépolis Centre and in the Plaza Benito Juárez, throughout the week: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Jabberwocky - tape never before exhibited in the country, Brazil, the Meaning of Life, the Adventures of Baro n Munchausen, Time Bandits , Twelve Monkeys, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Tideland, Brothers Grimm and his most recent film, The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus World.

About the Festival, be thrilled to be mentioned in our city. "I'm waiting to see the bad side of Morelia. Since I've been in Morelia, I've been blown away by the architecture, it's Such a beautiful place (I'm waiting to see the bad side of Morelia. Since I've been here, I was very impressed by the architecture, is a beautiful place). " The director confessed his love for film festivals to support it, according to his vision are very important as they are the only way to get world cinema.

Within the last questions was found felt flattered that Terry Gilliam to name the reporter who, despite initially believing that the film's director was mostly fantasy, he was that was rather a 'documentary' was responsible for showing another side of reality. To this, the director said that the world is television, which is why he is responsible for addressing the reality of a different way that the media show us. Terry Gilliam film seeks to awaken the people, getting angry even to react. stated he gets his ideas from what they see, read, hear, strangely hardly goes to the cinema "and mix them in your head to create their stories. He added that currently dominates the movie is the special effects as people dedicated only to consume and be entertained, do not demand good stories. " If you keep feeding people Babyfood, they're gonna like it (S i will continue to give the baby food people will end up liking them ). "

After a last few questions, Terry Gilliam and Daniela Michel goodbye to the present, but not before remembering that on Tuesday, 19 will be held a lecture, at 1:00 o'clock pm, this time directed the general public, in which the filmmaker will continue talking about his experience as director and living with his audience.


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