Sunday October 17 took place the presentation of the Mexican First Short Film Program, which includes: "Luna" Raul and Rafael Cardenas, "An empty room" of Diana Peñaloza, "Gold Mine" by Jacques Bonnavent, "Blue Balloon " Izabel Acevedo, "Leyva Lupano" Felipe Gomez, "If you drive at night try to be accompanied" by Isabel Muñoz and "The second bakery attack by Carlos Cuarón.
Attendees were coming half hour before the function and row was increasing minute by minute until 17:00 hrs the people were entering the room and settling depending on what they would do in, if they were press began to accommodate their tripods and cameras, made ers were accompanied by friends who supported them with loud cheers when they finished their respective times and the people it was only by his taste for film.
When I was about to start the projection was prese nt and Martha Higareda in the room, and as he went going, light became more tenuous so he could go "unnoticed" among all pers onas by which was accompanied.
began with "Luna", the animated story of a young child, although living in or n world of machines, it appears curious to see the moon shining in the sky and you just want to catch in a jar.
"An empty room" tells the story of Sebastian, a boy who spy Ba the room his ailing grandfather because her mother never let him see it and try to sneak up there to be with him.
Continuing "Blue Balloon" which talks about a teenager who was curious about their sexuality censorship living surrounded by religion.
the end came the Q & A with the filmmakers who were present. At first people were not very involved, but eventually began to raises questions such as: What inspired you to make your shorts? and What do they gain by making a short film, plus any awards? To the first question Carlos Cuarón said "I did it for love of art ..." Diana Peñaloza moreover Declar or that "it was a goodbye to my grandfather who died of cancer and my family had hidden for a long time his illness. " To the second question answered all things similar in that said what they wanted was a means by which to express a story they had written from a long time ago and that IMCINE had given them the opportunity to realize their ideas through this project of making short films. They also expressed their opinion about the low priority given to short and how difficult it is to show people outside of a festival because they lack space for presenting this type of work that is not commercial and is not projected onto a room for its short duration and low profitability for companies.
The event ended with applause, leaving the audience with good taste and keen to see more high quality short films that brings this year's International Film Festival of Morelia.
And last but no less valuable, "The Second Bakery Attac k", which a newlywed couple looking to revive its marriage, but above all, satisfy your hunger.
Another short presented earlier during the French Film Tour 13 "If you drive at night try to go together "where a woman with love and existential problems walking at night in his car to forget everything.
"Lupano Leyva" a man immersed in the g uerra and conflict intern or causing it.
"gold mine" was about a family opportunistic aprovec h aba of single people seeking love and falling in s networks us and that even if you had submitted or during the 13 French Film Tour, delighted the audience.
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