Yesterday, almost at midnight, took out the first task of the Swedish film Sound of Noise within the framework 8 th International Film Festival of Morelia.
The function was scheduled to start at 23.30, and even with almost half an hour late, none of the participants withdrew. After a brief introduction to the great expectation of all, the film began.
The story tells of Warnebring Amadeus, a Swedish police, despite having been raised in a family of musicians, performers, hate music. To his misfortune, is in charge of investigating a case of musicians "terrorists." This group of musicians is known as Six Drummers, who plan to make a great musical show for free the city from all the "junk music."
Six Drummers is a Swedish group became famous for his short film network "Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers" where they get smuggled into an apartment and get to make music with everything in it. In the film, the group presents "Music for One City and Six Drummers" that follows this same trend, but now use an operating room equipment, paper shredders, bulldozers and even power lines.
A detective comedy, musical, different, presented in digital format, where each musical act surprise you more than the last and simply can not avoid getting caught up in the pace at some point in the film .
This film, presented in FICM as part of the Critics Week at Cannes 2010, is perfect for lovers of good music, creativity and good movies.
three others still are scheduled lofty projections for this film work on Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday of that week, do not miss the opportunity to see and enjoy 110 minutes of a friendly proposal and different from what we are accustomed.
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